In this episode I’m talking about my weekend in Nice together with friends. I didn’t plan the episode at all so it’s just me talking to you about my trip as if I was talking to a friend. A friend with whom I have to speak slowly, of course:) Don’t forget that you can download the free transcript right here below:)
You can also find the podcast on iTunes and Spotify, as well as the PodBean app! If you like it and want to support me, I’d be very happy if you subscribe and follow:) Here below I will share how to use this podcast efficiently in your Swedish studies:
Method A:
- Listen to the episode and try to understand as much as possible.
- Go through the text and translate the words you don’t understand, until you understand most of the text.
- Listen to the audio while reading the text. Pause if you need to.
- Now listen to the audio without the text. Pause/rewind if you need to.
Method B:
I think this method is my favorite. Only listen, and while listening, pick out the words you don’t understand and use Google Translate to translate them. You can even use voice recording if your pronunciation is good. That’s a very fast and convenient way since you can have Google Translate open and you never have to switch apps since you can normally pause a podcast without switching to that app. Then you can go back and listen to that part again. After doing this with the whole episode you can listen to all of it again, and for the last pieces you don’t understand you’ll have the transcript:)
Bonus tips:
- Remember the Pareto Principle. 80% of your progress comes from 20% of your effort. Don’t aim to get 100%, 80-90 is better if you want to be efficient
- Listen to podcasts whenever you’re on your way somewhere, cooking, washing dishes, standing in line, traveling, or any other time you can’t sit down to study, but you can use your ears.
Ha, president! Jag här inte tänkt på detta spel för länge. Jag brukade spela det med mina vänner i skolan och jag var väldigt bra på det. Jag skapade faktiskt en ny roll som hette ‘Dictator’ for den som var president i fem omgångar i rad, och en dictator kunde VÄLJA TRE kort från vem som helst! När jag skapade det så visste jag att bara jag kunde vinna fem gånger i rad >:)
Haha, kreativt!
Hej Fredrik,
Finns det någon skillnad mellan ‘vår’ och ‘våran’? Du säger “vi hängde hos våran kompis” men jag skulle säga “vi hängde hos vår kompis”.
Det är samma sak. “Vår” är lite mer skriftspråk, och “våran” är lite mer talspråk. Men du kan säga “vår” när du pratar också. Man kan också skriva “våran”, men inte i formella texter.