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This was such a great course! I really recommend it if you want to improve your language learning methods. It has great material and explanations that are easy to follow and understand and loads of examples. I liked a lot the small quizzes after tricky topics, they were super useful for practicing. I found out about the course by listening to The Simple Swedish Podcast (also very helpful) and I am really glad I took it.

I was deciding between taking a course at a university ($$$) or this course and I’m so glad I chose this one. It really helped me improve my daily habits towards my Swedish practice and just really immerse myself in the language. Which led to being a lot more ready to receive new information and feel more comfortable.

Jag vågar definitivt att kommunicera mycket mer, jag förstår mer och framför allt, jag känner mig tryggare och mindre stressad när jag inte förstår 100% eller gör fel. I am enjoying the process and I think this course helped me get to this point and will continue to do it for my future studies.


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