How is SPOKEN Swedish different from WRITTEN?
The differences between how you write words and how people say them!
How to use the Simple Swedish Podcast
Here’s a guide on how to use the Simple Swedish Podcast efficiently in your studies!
Similarity: Lik – Liknar – Liknande ?
Många tycker att det är svårt att uttrycka likhet på svenska. I den här artikeln förklarar jag hur man gör! Many think it’s difficult to… Read More »Similarity: Lik – Liknar – Liknande ?
Easy conversation: Shopping – Practice den/det/de
In this written dialogue we can practice how to use ‘den/det/de’! Explanations after the dialogue!
When to add -t to adjectives
When do you say trevligt instead of trevlig, and kallt instead of kall? There are a few different reasons! In this article and video I explain when to add -t to adjectives in Swedish!
How to quickly become conversational in Swedish – the basics
In this article I’m covering the basics on how to learn Swedish (or any language) fast and efficiently
5 top mistakes among Swedish learners (part 1)
Swedish isn’t the most difficult language out there, especially not if you know English. But there are some things that almost everyone do wrong, and in this video I’m explaining which ones, and how to correct them!
Easy Article: Grammar: Conditional
In this made-up story I have included lots of practice with the word ‘skulle’, which is used in the conditional tense in Swedish. There is also a word list and audio!